
Monday, December 13, 2010

Herbs and spices

Herbs and spices have loads of disease fighting antioxidants – more than most fruits and vegetables. Here are some of my favourites.

Cinnamon helps maintain blood sugar levels. Sprinkle on cereal or add to smoothies. Try a slice of melon with a squeeze of lemon juice and cinnamon for breakfast.
Ginger helps relieve nausea and travel sickness and is an anti-inflammatory. It increases circulation, is good for detox, and a great digestive, too. Add to fruits and vegetables, or drink as a tea.
Garlic kills cancer cells, improves blood sugar levels, blood clotting and cholesterol levels. Chop or crush garlic and let it stand for 10 minutes or so to allow the protective phyto-chemicals to develop fully. Always cook over a low heat and don’t let it burn. Try pickled raw garlic – it really doesn’t taste garlic-y.
Tumeric inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Add ¼ teaspoon of ground turmeric to the water next time you cook rice.
Cumin is anti-inflammatory, anti oxidant and anti-cancer. It is one of the main ingredients in curry pastes and powders.
Coriander soothes the digestive tract and is also anti-inflammatory. Try ½ teaspoon coriander seeds mixed with natural yoghurt as a salad dressing, or alongside a curry. Use fresh leaves in a green salad.
Basil is anti-oxidant, antiseptic, anti-microbial and anti-viral (supposed to be particularly helpful with herpes and hepatitis), plus it smells and tastes wonderful. Use as a garnish on any tomato dish and fruit salad.
Parsley contains many anti-oxidants. It is preventative against halitosis and can ease bladder and kidney problems. It’s also anti-cancer. Use as a garnish, in salads, stews and sauces.

1 comment:

bad breath said...

You must brush and floss after each meal, If you still have halitosis/bad breath or tonsil stones despite having healthy teeth, gums, I advise patients from my clinic to read the research from Oraltech Labs, as I had no idea what the cause of their bad breath was and I didn't want to embarrass both of us by telling the client without having a cure for them. I can report that most clients return visits have undetectable Halitosis/bad breath. So if all else fails try Oraltech Labs. Dr James Parson for USA & UK Association of Dental Health